6 skin types according to the Fitzpatrick scale and skin protection

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Nặn mụn xong nên làm gì để không bị thâm, không để lại sẹo

Cách chăm sóc da sau khi mới nặn mụn đóng một vai trò rất lớn đến việc hồi phục sự mịn màng của làn da về sau. Bởi vì nếu da được chăm sóc cẩn thận thì sẽ tránh tối đa nguy cơ hình thành vết thâm và sẹo trên làn da. Vậy nặn mụn

Last updated: 28/02/2025

Fitzpatrick Scale

If you have ever used foundation or concealer, you probably know how important it is to classify skin tones to make the right choice. Developed in 1975, the Fitzpatrick Skin Type Classification is a scientific method based on the amount of pigment in the skin (which determines skin color) and the skin’s reaction to sunlight. This information can help predict your overall risk of skin damage and skin cancer.

After knowing your risk level, you can equip yourself with the necessary tools to protect your skin. Keep reading to learn about your Fitzpatrick skin type, the type of sunscreen you should use, and more.

fitzpatrick scale


Fitzpatrick Skin Type 1

  • Skin color (before sun exposure): ivory white
  • Eye color: light blue, light gray, or light green
  • Natural hair color: red or light blonde
  • Reaction to sunlight: skin always freckles, always burns and peels, and never tans

Fitzpatrick Skin Type 2

  • Skin color (before sun exposure): white or pale
  • Eye color: blue, gray, or green
  • Natural hair color: blonde
  • Reaction to sunlight: skin often freckles, burns, and peels frequently, and rarely tans

Fitzpatrick Skin Type 3

  • Skin color (before sun exposure): beige with golden undertones
  • Eye color: light brown or hazel
  • Natural hair color: dark blonde or light brown
  • Reaction to sunlight: skin may freckle, occasionally burns, and sometimes tans

Fitzpatrick Skin Type 4

  • Skin color (before sun exposure): olive or light brown
  • Eye color: dark brown
  • Natural hair color: dark brown
  • Reaction to sunlight: rarely freckles, burns, and often tans

Fitzpatrick Skin Type 5

  • Skin color (before sun exposure): dark brown
  • Eye color: dark brown to black
  • Natural hair color: dark brown to black
  • Reaction to sunlight: rarely freckles, burns, and always tans

Fitzpatrick Skin Type 6

  • Skin color (before sun exposure): deeply pigmented dark brown to darkest brown
  • Eye color: black
  • Natural hair color: black
  • Reaction to sunlight: never freckles, never burns, and always tans

What Does Your Skin Type Mean?

Tanning beds and other artificial tanning devices harm everyone, regardless of skin type. Some studies suggest that people who use tanning beds before the age of 35 have a 75 times higher lifetime risk of melanoma.

Your risk of sun damage is also higher if you live near the equator. The closer you are to the equator, the more intense the sun’s rays, so you need to maximize sun protection.

Everyone should apply sunscreen daily and reapply every 4 hours for maximum protection. Below is what you should know to protect your skin.

Types 1 and 2

If your skin type is 1 or 2, you are at high risk of:

  • Sun-related skin conditions
  • Skin aging due to sun exposure
  • Melanoma and other types of skin cancer

Follow these tips to protect your skin:

  • Use sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher.
  • Limit sun exposure and seek shade whenever you’re outside.
  • Wear a wide-brimmed hat to protect your head and face.
  • Wear UV-blocking sunglasses.
  • Wear protective clothing with a UPF rating of 30 or higher if you plan to be in direct sunlight for extended periods.
  • Examine your skin from head to toe every month.
  • Have an annual skin check-up with a doctor.

Types 3 to 6

If your skin type is 3 to 6, you still have some risk of skin cancer from sun exposure, so you should use sun protection even though your risk is lower than those with skin types 1 or 2.

For maximum protection, follow these tips:

  • Limit sun exposure.
  • Wear a wide-brimmed hat to protect your head and face.
  • Wear UV-blocking sunglasses.
  • Wear protective clothing if you plan to be in direct sunlight for extended periods.
  • Use sunscreen with SPF 15 or higher.
  • Examine your skin from head to toe every month. Pay close attention to any unusual growths. Melanoma in darker skin tones often appears on areas of the body that are not frequently exposed to the sun. It is often not detected until the cancer has spread, so ensure you check all areas of your body.
  • Have an annual skin check-up with a doctor.

Learn more about skincare here.

Visit our website: https://wedoskinclinic.vn/ or contact us directly for free skincare consultations and exclusive product discounts.

Source: www.healthline.com

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    • 𝗛𝗼𝘁𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗲/𝐙𝐚𝐥𝐨: 0898898875

WeDo District 2 – Thai Thuan Street



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